youth ministry

Multi-Site Student Ministry - Part 1

I'm learning a lot in this season of life and ministry. It seems as time flies by I am learning to be a Dad (almost twice) and a multisite student pastor. 

If you told me that I would be serving with a multisite church a few years ago, I would have been surprised. I am enjoying the movement of churches that are seeking to reach their area for Christ in the multisite approach. It is a great way to extend the reach of a church without only adding to one sole campus by building bigger buildings. 

Over the past year, I've been reading some great blogs and books on multisite. What I'm seeing is that there are many writings on children's ministry and the weekend service, but scarce writings on student ministry. Why? 

I think that student ministry is one of the most flexible ministries in the local church. Students are not worried about a certain time or place, they simply want to build relationships and desire to know the truth about God in today's world. We are learning how to lead students to imitate Christ and influence the world in our context of multisite. 

Multisite has helped me focus upon what is most important. Helping another campus with a student ministry helps us realize what truly should be transferrable across campuses. It helps narrow the focus of what we are trying to accomplish. The goal is whatever is easy, reproducible and sustainable. 

Multisite has helped me grow my faith. I am learning to think differently than ever before in my ministry. Instead of the ministry being at one location where I am, it is now going to three campuses this year. Leadership development is the goal more than my presence being felt in each location. 

Over the next few posts, I'll be sharing how I'm trying to accomplish multisite within the context of central Florida. 

If you are in multi-site or are moving towards it, what have you learned? How are you leading to make it effective?