student evangelism

Fishing...for people?


I enjoy fishing although I do not get to go much anymore. I've been doing a study on Jesus' statement, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Jesus called ordinary men and poured into them throughout his life and they changed the world through their witness.

Here's a few thoughts I have on fishing for people:

- We need to think like a fish When is the last time we remembered what it was like to be lost?

- You have to go where the fish are We need to build relationships with lost people in our community

- We can’t expect them just to jump into the boat Lost people do not really want to come to church, they are in need of the church to go to them.

- You have to be patient It takes time to invest in order to catch fish, God is the one that changes them, we just need to keep going.

- Let God clean them We can't expect people to quit bad habits and get right before they accept Christ.

Any thoughts on being fishers of people?