servant's heart

Thoughts on reaching the lost

This current postmodern society is searching for authenticity. People do not want anyone to judge another person based on being authentic, but they inwardly want it from each other. In order for the church to impact the world and their search for truth, we need to be listeners. People desire to be heard, no matter how off-track and lost they are in their life. Jesus always responded with questions (besides some of his face-offs with the Pharisees). If we are to model servant-evangelism, people need to know we care. Many lost people stereotype believers as uncaring, defensive, judgmental and close-minded. We must be counter-culture and look at the postmodern questions like, “Is Jesus the only way to God?” as an opportunity rather than an argument. We must re-train our attitude towards the lost and be students of the culture so that we can rightly divide the Word of Truth in real-life situations. Simply, people want to see how we respond with in everyday situations. Are we patient? How do we treat waiters/waitresses when our food isn't cooked right (after Sunday service)?

The important evidence that the lost are looking for is if we love each other with a sacrificial and encouraging love. Lost people need to see churches reveal their love for each other. We spend too much time talking about loving each other. For example, when a believer needs prayer, we usually tell them we are praying for them rather than praying for them on the spot.

Although the world is constantly changing, the unchanging truth is that Christ is the answer.