romans 13:1

Election Day Thoughts


Election day is finally here! It has been quite a election battle between McCain and Obama. I am glad that I voted for McCain early last week!

I've been thinking a lot about how I will respond to the results of the election tomorrow. God has been working on my heart on what Romans 13 talks about when it comes to Government and authority.

"Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God."  Romans 13:1

Since governments have authority from God we are to obey them - unless, of course, they order us to do something in contradiction to God's Word’s. Then, we are commanded to obey God before man (as in Acts 4:19).

I pray that believers face the upcoming days with a hope that is focused on the sovereignty of God. I will continue to pray for our nation and that Christians would actively show and share the truth of Jesus Christ.

America needs TRUE change. Hearts changed and healed through the power of Jesus Christ.

What are your thoughts?