

I'm off on our annual staff retreat near St. Augustine, Florida. Life has been flying by lately! I'm excited that I'm getting married in 47 days!! I'm super excited about beginning life with Cassidy on June 14th! I'm a blessed dude. I don't know about you, but I need "retreat" at times in my life. Life can and has become so fast lately that I miss out on listening to God. God desires a close and intimate relationship with us and looks straight at our hearts. In Psalm 62:8 it tells of how we are to "pour out our hearts to the Lord" and how a true spiritual revival begins in our hearts.

In church today, much emphasis is placed on the outward expressions of life but Jesus always points to our motives. When my heart is out of sync with God, I miss out on His blessing and direction for my life. My prayer is that I will truly retreat from "doing" to "being" in my relationship with God.

I am finding daily that God is speaking, but I am not always listening. My prayer is that I become in tune with Him and live from the outflow of Jesus' heart in my life.

Isaiah 55:2-3 says, "Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live."

My prayer is that we as the church will become filled with Jesus and emptied of our own selves so we can hear God's voice.

I know I sure need to slow down and listen.

What about you?