praying in school

Salvation at School


Wow, this week has been amazing! On wednesday morning a service was planned in honor of a student in the high school that is fighting a serious form of cancer. The "First priority" club planned it and invited the entire school at second period. Me and Pastor Todd went to support the students and he got the opportunity to speak to the students. After the students led worship and prayed, the entire school body which is around 600-700 students (HS) heard the gospel during school hours! I was in awe the entire time that this was happening in a public high school. After the message I went out among the students and we prayed together. One of my students brought a friend up that had surrendered to Christ! We got to pray together and celebrate God's work in her life. There were many more salvations across the room as other ministers were spread out praying over students. More importantly, this whole service began because it was led by students!

This morning (Thursday) I got to speak to the "First priority" students at 7:00am who planned the whole service the day earlier. They were pumped! I encouraged them to not be ashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:16) and to give their lives for the sake of Christ (Philippians 3:8-14).

I'm reminded that although America is facing tough economic, moral and political issues today, that the gospel of Jesus Christ is living and active! So many times it is easy for me to think that times are bleak, but God is still in the life-changing business! I'm reminded that my calling is to not only lead students, but to encourage and equip them to fulfill God's call on their life!

"if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV)