
Who Do Your Pour Your Life Into?


In today's fast-paced, Facebook/twitter saturated culture, who has time to invest in other people? Are we to busy with "our" life to pour the love of Jesus into other people? Pouring into others takes consistency, commitment and a love for people. It is looking at people through the eyes of Christ. It is hurting with people when they hurt. It is rejoicing with those who rejoice. It is dying to yourself so that the power of Christ can pour through you. For me, the times I am most irritable and critical is when I am only thinking of myself. The world tells us that if we look out for our own desires then we will be "happy." If this were true we would see a lot of happy people! Most of what I see are people who are hurting, lonely and looking for love.

Do you wait until others pour into you before you begin to pour into others? Do you sit on the sidelines with expectations of others to make you happy? You see, when we serve others by pouring into their life, we receive the joy of Christ. Jesus loved without expectation. He loved and poured into others all the way to the cross. Jesus' love is not meant to be sealed in containers. It is to be channeled with an intentional decision to love until it hurts. Is this difficult? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes!

My brother Justin (j-robproductions) finished a new short film called "The Cup." He did an awesome job!

"This simple short film leaves you with a question "Who do you pour your life into? Yourself or others? In our insane, busy schedules we've become so self-centered and we don't even know it. The backbone of this film is "Selfishness disguised as everyday life."

Who are you pouring your life into? Yourself or others?