intentional family time

Family Time


We are enjoying some family time in Greenville, SC this week. I always look forward to some intentional family time. I use the word intentional because if we do not make the commitment to spend quality time with our families, we can easily burnout our closest relationships.

I love serving as a pastor to students. I love preparing messages. I love teaching students. I love helping adult volunteers become great youth leaders. I love seeing people come to Christ and be baptized. I love so much of what I get to do in the ministry. I'm at times blown away that God  allows me to be a part of His mission to seek and save the lost.

I want to be completely honest. It is easy for me to become so lazer focused upon everything I listed above and be less engaged when I come home. God has revealed to me over the past few years that my first ministry is Cassidy and Micah.  You might be thinking, "Duh!" I understand it but it is easy for those in ministry to sacrifice our families on the altar of the church. I'm learning slowly that my greatest impact is in my home.

Intentional family time looks like this for us: Praying. Listening. Laughing. Encouraging. Forgiving. Asking for forgiveness. Eating food together.

I'm learning that intentional, planned time with my family is vital for us to grow closer to God and each other. I hope that as the years go on that our love for God and serving God grow hand in hand.

This week I'm spending quality time with those closest to me, my family.

Happy Thanksgiving!

What ways do you spend intentional time with your family?