Valentine's Day

I Love My Wife


Happy Valentine's Day! Four years ago I asked my wife to marry me and the crazy part is that she said "yes!" God's grace is real because of the amazing gift of my wife, Cassidy.

The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD. Proverbs 18:22

 Here are 10 reasons I love my wife Cassidy!

1) She is an awesome wife - Cassidy grows more beautiful inside and out the longer we are married. She is the greatest partner and companion to me. She balances me in my weaknesses and spurs me to become more like Jesus in our marriage and life.

2) She is patient - For those that know me, this is a big one! Her patience with me and others reveals her heart to show the love of Christ.

3) She is kind - I'm grateful for the kindness she pours out on those who need encouragement. Her kindness is attractive to those who need the love of God.

4) She has my back - I'm thankful for her commitment to me and support. She breathes life into me, especially when I am struggling.

5) She is peaceful - I'm grateful for a wife that does not live off of drama but seeks peace and forgiveness.

6) She is grateful - Cassidy is grateful for even the little things. She makes the most of every situation (ex:financial, circumstances)

7) She is a committed friend - She is my best friend. She knows me inside and out and unconditionally loves me. She is a great friend to others and has compassion on others.

8) She will be a fantastic mom - Cassidy is great with children. Her loving heart will be a blessing to our children.

9) She is faithful to God - Cassidy is focused upon bringing God glory in life. She is committed to using her gifts to see Him glorified. Her music is glorifying to God and is a ministry of the gospel. Her faithfulness will matter in eternity!

10) She is forgiving - Cassidy does not hold grudges very long. She is quick to forgive and love people. She wants peace, joy and love in all areas of life. I'm grateful that she extends forgiveness to me.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;  but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

This is only 10 of the thousands of reasons I love my wife!

What are you grateful for in your marriage relationship?



Valentine's is coming up this Sunday! V-day is a nice celebration of romance and love. Two years ago on valentine's I proposed to my wife on the beach! I've been leading a series this month for the student ministry called, "LoveSick." I'm praying that students accept God's plan for sex and relationships as the goal for their lives. I'm posting some thoughts and points that we have been covering this month during our weekly service called, "Momentum."

Week 1 -  “Superman vs. Kryptonite” - Judges 13-14 (Samson's Obsession with LUST)

Main Thought: When we become obsessed with the lust of relationships, we lose sight of God's plan

  1. Samson was STRONG on the OUTSIDE

He was a "beast" as we like to say.

  • He killed a lion with his bare hands.
  • He single-handedly killed thirty Philistines.
  • He killed one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.

2. Samson was WEAK on the INSIDE

  • Delilah’s name is literally “weakness”
  • He disobeyed his parents - It is vital to honor parents when it comes to relationships.

Culture today says that our worth is tied to how many relationships we have – especially of the opposite sex. God has given us our own unique identity – many times we look at other people to define ourselves. As a teenager, Samson began to move away from God's specific calling to rescue the Israelites from the Philistines because of giving into LUST.


I will post tomorrow on the second week of the "LoveSick" series!

What a day!

Today was a beautiful day to live in Florida. It was beautiful outside and so me and Cassidy decided to head to the beach. We had a great time relaxing and enjoying time together. Our one year anniversary of our engagement is on Valentine's day. We went to the exact beach where I asked her to marry me! I'm blessed to be married to such an awesome woman of God. She amazes me every day by her love and desire to serve Jesus. "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." Proverbs 31:10

Check out our pictures from today's fun outing to the beach and Cassidy's pedicure.

Let me know what you think of the pictures?
