We live in a fast-paced culture. Busy schedules and overloaded family lives are one of the enemies subtle ways to distract us. We have so much technology at our fingertips. It is hard to find an "on" and "off" switch and rest.
This week I am on vacation with my family. My goal is to unplug and rest.
I am not the best at unplugging and resting. If I can't slow down and rest, it reveals my heart. If you relate to me and you are in ministry, I encourage you to find moments to unplug and rest in God.
Breathe. Think about God and praise Him. Focus on your family. Read encouraging books. Read a devotional. Read a verse and meditate on it.
God rested on the seventh day after creation. If He made it a priority, how much more should we unplug and rest in His love?