Strong in weakness

Strong in weakness

I have learned a lot this past year personally and in ministry. This week has been another time in my life where I come to the point of wearing myself out trying to "do." I am a "doer", I love to get into all that i can in my life. My passion is seeing student's lives changed. It drives me. It consumes me a lot of the time. The weakness I have is that I become so consumed with the "ministry" that I miss out on an intentional, intimate relationship with my heavenly Father. I was reminded this morning in 2 Corinthians 12:9,

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

The more I realize my own weakness...the more I realize the areas of my heart that God wants to invade and change into His likeness. I'm so glad that God chooses to use me. I'm simply a dude that is made strong through Christ.

This month's current series on Identity has been good so far. One of the students last night said, "We are not here for earthly things, we are here to love Jesus, know we are special and loved, and to point all people to Christ." I believe this generation of students will impact this world like we have never seen before.


Anybody else struggle with being a "doer?"