Postmodernism in student ministry

Postmodernism - What is truth?

In order to answer the question of, “what is real?” there is a need to look at today’s belief system. Absolute truth is being pushed aside and relativism is becoming the main philosophy of life. Josh McDowell states in Beyond Belief to Convictions, “our kids need to see our lives as living examples of the wisdom and practically of a life that is built on biblical principles of right and wrong.”  If people deny absolute truth, that is an absolute statement. Truth conforms to reality; Jesus exemplified this on the cross and through His life on earth. Living by example is one of the most powerful way to impact this generation with the gospel.

The key application for student ministry is to listen to their issues. Asking wise questions like Jesus did reveals their understanding of truth. John 14:6 says, “Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.” Jesus is the foundation of truth. In order to engage the culture, student ministry should come along side teenagers who are struggling in this pluralistic society. In Richard Dunn's Shaping the Spiritual Life of Students it says, "The college freshmen can finish a prayerful meditation from Psalms, call the Psychic hotline to get an update on what might be in her romantic future and then participate in an evening yoga class.” Students are looking in all areas for direction and fulfillment. This should be found in the local church.

Christians can no longer put their heads in the sand of condemnation. We are to respond as Jesus did with the outcast Zaccheus in Luke 19:10, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost." Jesus’ heart is to see His prize creation become redeemed through His blood on the cross. What this world needs is not more self-help books or 12 step programs, but a REAL relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus’ death and resurrection is REAL and RELEVANT in every society, every time, and every generation.


Shaping the Spiritual Life of Students - Richard Dunn

Beyond Belief to Convictions - Josh McDowell

Postmodernism in Student Ministry

The reality of my generation is they are in a quagmire of uncertainty and lostness. Descartes declared his belief in cogito ergo sum: “I think, therefore I am.” This belief began to infiltrate the hearts and minds of people to believe that truth is the basis of thought. In other words, there was no foundation for truth. The skepticism of the postmodern movement has shown itself in this current generation. In Wikipedia’s encyclopedia about moral relativism it says, “moral or ethical propositions do not reflect absolute and universal moral truths but instead are relative to social, cultural, historical or personal references, and that there is no single standard by which to assess an ethical proposition's truth.” George Barna’s research indicates, “When it comes to believing in absolute truth, only 9% of born again teens believe in moral absolutes and just 4% of the non-born again teens believe that there are moral absolutes.”

How does one effectively minister to teenagers and adults when they have no basis for absolute truth and they base their decisions solely upon their feelings?

Three major questions need to be answered biblically to find truth:

1. What is truth?

2. What is of value?

3. What is real?

Over the next few days, I'll be writing on postmodernism in student ministry.