Pain in Life

God, Have You Forgotten Me?

Have you ever faced a trial or circumstance in life that left you asking questions?

"God, have you forgotten me?"

Let me back up for a minute. Today's culture is looking for the most comfortable moment or experience to find solace. We want the perfection of the Garden of Eden. We live for the next spiritual high that revolves around the environment, people and circumstance.

It is a restless appetite for a comfortable feeling or moment. It is a punching at the air for the perfect day.

It is trying to find solace in a vacation (or next year's vacation). It is wishing to have that "perfect" job. All of those desires are not wrong. My question is, "what is next?"  

God continually teaches me the gospel. I'm grateful for His patience. I remember a time in my life early in ministry. I started my first full-time job in student ministry. I was engaged to my wife Cassidy and my brother was fighting cancer (Read more HERE). I was overwhelmed with the job expectations, upcoming marriage, tough finances, and my brother's cancer. My health was affected by stress. My throat tightened up which caused me to have digestive issues. My mind was always racing. I was irritable. My stress turned into working harder and harder in ministry. Jordan was fighting cancer as me and my family did all that we could to help him. My brother went to be with Jesus two months after being married to my wife, Cassidy. I felt like I was in a whirlwind. My sails for ministry lost their wind. I felt as if I was scratching by to teach God's Word. I was tired of listening to people's ongoing explanations of why this had happened to Jordan. I remember the funeral and how my Mom and Dad took the lead to share the gospel in front of a packed church. I remember the silence and questions with no answers. My life was changed by the impact of Jordan. His overwhelming peace and encouragement amidst the pain revealed His relationship with Jesus.

The grace of the gospel has shown me:  - My Dad (Jimmy) has been faithful to leading people to Jesus as a Pastor for over 35+ years in ministry. I'm grateful He is faithful to  God and our family. He rarely hangs up the phone without praying for me. - My Mom (Jennifer) showed Jordan hour-by-hour attention. Her undying love for Jesus continues to flow through her life. She spends most of her week at the Piedmont Women's center where they help girls save their babies from the abortion clinic. I love hearing her share stories of girls coming to know Jesus. - My younger brother Justin has a clear passion in his life to make an impact for the gospel. He is an up and coming movie director who creates film that impacts people with Christ. He has turned his pain into passion.  Justin has formed a vision of living vicariously through the power of Jesus and an honor of Jordan’s life. - My older brother Jeff is faithfully leading a church in Virginia and finishing His PhD. at Liberty University. Jeff's passion to reach this generation with truth is contagious.  I'm grateful for an older brother that leads me by example.

What I am slowly learning is that the only way to find true life is to be at peace in my heart with Jesus. 

Knowing Jesus is an inner joy that flows out of "being still and knowing that He is God." The pain that life will bring can feel like a roller coaster. Life is a gift. Every moment is precious. Every person is special in God's sight.

It is almost as if God asks, "Josh, what do you really want?" 

I pray my response is that my heart's desire flows out of my relationship with Jesus. The life I plan is subject to His greater plans. What I want to be is the man God created me to become.

It reminds me of wise words from my brother Jordan. He told me even amidst the pain of cancer, "why worry about something I cannot control?" My heart hurts anytime I think of Jordan. But I know that Jordan lived for a person greater than the pain. His name is Jesus.

The gospel is much more than a comfortable seat on Sunday mornings. The gospel is much more than a prayer. The gospel is much more than a tract we hand out. The gospel is much more than winning a theological debate in seminary. The gospel is much more than our 401(k). The gospel is much more than knowing the right answers.

 The gospel is the grace of Jesus saving us and changing us to be His light to a lost and dying world. 

Has God forgotten me or you? No. He is simply working His gospel story through our lives. Earth is not our home, we are simply making Jesus famous!

The question we must ask is, "What will you do with the life I have given you?"

"Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:13-14

God Does Not Waste Pain

Life. It happens. We never know what will happen next. If you are like me, I want to avoid problems and pain in life. Why do we have pain? Why is life tough and not always easy? Sometimes I do not admit that I have pain in my life. I try to push it away as if it just quickly dissolves into thin air! Other times I can feel sorry for myself to the point that I miss out on seeing the needs in other people. Lastly, I will simply complain. Complain to God, myself and those closest to me. No matter what happens, God does not waste pain.

What do we do when life gets tough? 

Dear brothers and sisters when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing” If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.” James 1:2-6 

Troubles in life are inescapable. It is not a matter of “if” but “when” we will face trouble in life. Our culture runs away from problems at a rapid pace. We are a generation of "avoiders." We run to vacations, video games, movies, and drugs to escape problems. It is a continual search for the perfect resort moment where we think all of our problems will go away. Many people spend their lives running from pain instead of embracing pain.

Is joy the same as Happiness? Happiness is based upon circumstances, emotion and life decisions. James is talking about trials that prove a person’s intentions.

How do you respond with trials in life? James gives us the specific way to handle trials.

1. Thank God for His grace. (v. 2)Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. “What do you want me to learn from this instead of please TAKE this away…” It is not thanking God FOR the trial but what God will do THROUGH it.

2. Seek God's Wisdom. (James 1:5) First, ask God for help. Then, find a small group or personal friend who can help you. We are not meant to live alone in our problems.

3. Trust God. (James 1:6)

 God allows trials in life for us to grow in our faithGod allows trials for good, not evil. 

How we respond to problems in life is probably one of the greatest ways to show Jesus to the world.