Ministry Goals

Goals for the New Year


It is that time of the year. I thought I'd share my personal and ministry goals!

Personal goals:

  • Workout at least 2-3 times per week in the gym - I want to put on more muscle and start getting in shape like I was in college.
  • Talk less and Listen More. I want to hear more from God this new year. Abiding in a close walk with my heavenly Father is crucial and I need to rely on His strength and not upon my own.
  • Spend quality time with God in the morning through prayer, scripture reading and journaling. I've signed up for a reading plan on the ESV Bible website.
  • Spend quality time with Cassidy - make it a priority to go on dates, have devotions time together and pray with each other.
  • I plan to  finish my Master's degree in Christian Leadership by this summer from Liberty Theological Seminary. I'll be taking four classes this spring and a few in the summer. It will be busy, but I plan to finish well.
  • We hope to find a great deal on a home and become homeowners. Please pray for us to make a wise choice.
  • I am praying for new opportunities to speak to students at events, D-NOWS, or camps.

Ministry Goals:

  • Build Leaders - Encouraging and equipping students to carry out the ministry through training and allowing them to lead. Building ownership! We have a team of students set up called the CORE team and my prayer is that they lead many of their friends to Christ. Equipping parents to continue spiritual leadership in the home is VITAL and must be priority. We will have “Parent-Life” events every quarter (January, April, September). When the family puts Christ at the core, we will see more students become fully devoted followers of Christ.
  • Build Community - Students become ministers, not just spectators. Students including and encouraging other students to belong! I pray that students find REFUGE when they come and find true and meaningful relationships with adults and students.
  • Build a heart for the un-churched - The phrase we will use is, "Move from a youth group to a youth ministry.” I'm kicking off the new year with a series focused upon helping students learn to have the courage to lead their friends to Christ. Lead students to “Invest and invite – and share their “story” of Christ changing their life. I pray that students do not just COME to church, but are BEING the church.

What about you? Have you thought about your goals for the new year?