Update on Life

I have been super busy with preparing for this coming beach retreat in Panama City Beach! We are pumped about having a great weekend focused upon being "totally consumed" with a lifestyle of worship. I'm praying for God to move in the hearts of students and to change lives. We are excited to have Tim and Em Flowers leading worship and my brother Jeff Robinson as the speaker! Justin (my younger brother) is leading "Late Night" and I know it is going to be "off the chain" with great videos, skits and games. Here is the logo for the weekend!

  • I have begun two more seminary classes. I'm almost finished with my Master's in Christian Leadership. Praying that I can stay the course and not become lazy.
  • We are enjoying the new house and I'm so grateful for a great wife to share it with!
  • I've enjoyed the last season of LOST - It is fun actually learning about the craziness of the Island! I'm still "lost" and am trying to figure it all out.
  • The pollen has fallen here in Alabama and I'm not used to it. Spent a few days this past week sick. I'm trying to get on a workout program and stay focused on a routine. I hear P90x is the way.
  • The final four was amazing as usual. Butler was such an inspiration to small schools making it! It was like watching "Hoosiers" in real life.
  • Now I'm headed to finish two papers tonight so I can spend the weekend focused on loving and ministering to students! Please pray for us.

Update on Life

Here is a quick snapshot of what has been happening in life lately!

  • The New Year has been a blessing - We are seeing God do great things! Baptizing 4 students in the morning!
  • We are praying for a home - we put an offer on one but are awaiting word on if it is in foreclosure and all the details of working through it.
  • I'm pumped for the summer - Puerto Rico mission trip and WIRED camp will be awesome.
  • I had the chance to preach both services last Sunday morning - it was a blessing to share with the church. A 5th grade girl received Christ!
  • I've been working hard on planning the "Totally Consumed" Beach Retreat - April 9-11 in PCB, Florida. Looking forward to having my brother Jeff speak and Tim and Em Flowers lead worship!
  • We have 31 people going on our Puerto Rico mission trip this summer! Excited that they have committed to come and serve.
  • Looking forward to the last season of LOST and 24
  • I start Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary classes Monday morning. Pray for me. I'm taking 2 classes at a time. My goal is to be done with my master's degree this summer.