J-rob productions

J-Rob Productions

My younger brother, Justin is amazing at making quality videos. I am excited about the future ministry that he will have and how media will be used to share the gospel. It all started when we were young kids, making funny videos with a huge camera you had to hold on your shoulder! Now, technology has brought us to being able to shoot in HD, edit professionally, and upload online! All along God has used Justin to communicate with media. My prayer is that God continues to open up doors for his movies to reach the masses with the gospel! Below are a few of his recent videos! Check out his youtube channel. Thailand Mission Trip

HD GroPro Reel (Notice my Jeep) 2 Years of College in 3 Minutes

Foxhole Film!

Check out the trailer and behind the scene footage of Justin's new movie! I'm excited due to the hard work and creativity of J-ROB productions and Michael Gentilini of GV Entertainment! It will be a short film highlighting WWII! It will be awesome.

Doritos Commercial submitted to the commercial contest for the Super Bowl! I think it was better than some of the final videos. My older brother Jeff is the nerd and Justin is the "cool" guy. Check it out!