
Monday Minute

It is over halfway through July!

  • Praying that God provides for Cassidy to go back to college to finish her degree. She is planning to finish with a Contemporary Worship Degree at BCF (Baptist College of Florida). We are excited that she will finish quickly.
  • Even though seminary is wearing me out, I'm planning to be finished this Fall (unless I decide to keep going...hmmm).
  • I've been challenged to do a better job of strategic planning. Praying that I'll be in sync with His plans before I make plans.
  • Looking forward to Wednesday night, we have a special praise dance team coming and a great night of worship!
  • I'm thinking about beginning a podcast of the Wednesday night service.
  • Big changes in store for our church this Fall! I'm excited.
  • We saw the movie, "Inception." It was an interesting (and crazy) movie. I still do not understand a majority of the movie.
  • A few blog posts I plan to write in the next week or two are, "Reflections on 5 years of Student Ministry" and "Thoughts on Planning in Ministry" and "Family Focused Student Ministry."