Monday Minute

  • Worship was awesome this Sunday! One student gave her life to Christ!
  • We had our first CORE team meeting with student and adult leaders. Great potential for these leaders to multiply and impact many for Christ.
  • High school small group was great on Sunday night, we talked about how to build their relationship with God and practical ways to understand biblical context and read scripture.
  • FSU beat up on no. 7 BYU on Saturday, winning 54-28. It was the first game this season that they played to their potential. I enjoyed the commentators saying that BYU was going to win and then watching their responses at the end of the game. Beautiful.
  • Today: Planning and studying for this Wednesday night's See You at the Pole Rally! We have a guest band coming called "Flying backwards." Pray that God's spirit moves and students come to know Christ!
  • Tonight me and Cassidy are going to play putt-putt with our small group - it will be intense with competition! I'm thankful that I have a group of people around my age that we can "do life together."
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  • Halo ODST is coming out on Tuesday - are you getting it? I'm thinking about it.
  • I love my wife! Check out her music