Fusion Weekend

Quick update...

I haven't been very good about posting lately, life has been really busy. Fusion was awesome this past weekend! We had some students get saved and some committing to follow God more closely! I was able to spend some time with my Mom and brothers, Jeff and Justin throughout the weekend and got to spend all day with them and Cassidy at the beach on Monday. God has blessed me with so many awesome people in my life to support and encourage me.

My adult leadership for the student ministry was amazing at Fusion weekend! They all worked so hard and had a "can-do" attitude no matter what. It is great to serve with people with a heart of service!

I'm off to finish getting ready for Elevate tonight!

Good stuff...

Last night at Elevate we had a great time in worship and it was fun jumping into the Word with the students. We talked about the influence of music and asked the question, "How are we to obey God in what we listen too?" It was a blast, we used three different questions to discover God's best in what we listen to: 1. What does this song lead me to believe?

2. What are the values in this song?

3. How does it line up with truth?

We took three random songs that are in the top 10 charts and discussed them. In the middle school and High school time it was amazing to see the responses to each question that came from each song. Music is so powerful, it can make you mad, happy, sad, and many more feelings. The main point was to have a passion for truth and that only comes when we know and apply God's Word. I just wanted to share a little about what happened at Elevate.

We are amped for Fusion Weekend coming up on October 3-5! We are praying for lives to be changed. We have some awesome small group leaders coming, great speaker and awesome band to lead the students to grow in Christ.

As for me, I'm a little tired at the moment. Life seems to be flying by so fast I'm having a hard time keeping up. I am excited to see my two brothers and Mom on October 3-5 weekend. I haven't been able to spend time with them since Jordan's funeral, so it will be great.

Stay clean and close to God!