FBC Ashford

Monday Minute (a day late)

  • This past week flew by!
  • Had a good weekend: watched Cassidy play at a local arts show in downtown Dothan, AL on Thursday - she did great - Friday spent the day off and enjoyed myself
  • The 1st annual "Turkey Bowl" was a huge success with over 175 folks coming out to spend time as families together. The dad's beat the students in the flag football game 38-16! ouch! Next year the students will be playing for the win! It was a win for the church and for families to grow and have fun together.
  • Pulled my back out pretty good last week - heading to get it adjusted today - I loathe lower back pain!
  • Finishing up a two week series called "The Thin Green Line" - This Wednesday it will be on "grace receivers are to be grace givers" - Living a life of grace!
  • We are heading to Nashville after Momentum on Wednesday night - I'm driving through the night (with the help of energy drinks) so that Cassidy can spend Thursday laying down scratch tracks for her new CD!
  • Friday - heading to the National Youth Workers Convention in Atlanta, GA - looking forward to being challenged and learn something new to implement in the student ministry.
  • Next week we are headed to visit family in Greenville, SC for Thanksgiving

Monday Minute

  • Spent my day off working on my Jeep. Finished painting and doing some touch-up work with my friend, Tim Flowers.
  • Found out that my wife Cassidy will hopefully get to record a CD this December in Nashville at one of my friend's studio. Please pray that it will happen!
  • I'm only 5 classes away from finishing my master's through Liberty Theological Seminary.
  • Sunday: Good day of worship at FBC Ashford and message from Pastor Todd on Matthew 5:6. The focus was upon finding satisfaction in Christ alone.
  • Enjoyed the High school guys small group last night. We talked about setting boundaries in relationships with girls - good stuff!
  • Thankful for another day to serve the Lord

Quick update

Life has been like riding a roller coaster lately. I went to the Florida keys this past weekend for the yearly "man" trip that I take with some great friends. We had a blast! I'm going to be updating with pictures soon on my blog. We had a great trip, caught fish and lobster and had good fellowship. When I returned from the trip I came down with the nasty flu! I haven't felt that bad in a long time. I was out for the entire week. I'm thankful to be healed and be done with it.

We had an awesome 5th quarter last night. We had over 175 students come and hear the gospel! It was packed out and it reminded me of the mass amount of students that do not know Christ. I'm thankful for Tim Flowers, he spoke for me while I was sick and did a great job with the students. I'm thankful to be serving on a staff with people who love Jesus and are flexible and willing to help in anyway. God has truly blessed me and I pray that He continues to work at FBC Ashford!