
God With Us


December is here! I love Christmas time! The only thing I dislike about Christmas is the focus on "stuff" and less in Jesus. It is easy to become focused upon what gifts to give and receive and attending parties. We can sometimes completely miss God. Even if we have the best intentions. When I think of gifts, usually they fall into 3 categories:

  •  Impractical: Awkward responses like, “wow this is the best” but in your mind you are saying "I'll never use this!"
  •  Cheap: Worthless trinkets that come and go!
  •  Worthwhile: It is a gift that is beyond materialism. My relationship with Jesus, friends and family are the greatest gifts of all!

All material gifts fit into a category of being temporary. God’s gift to us is not something. It is someone. 

I encourage you in this busy season to celebrate and meditate on the fact that Jesus came to earth for us! Emmanuel!

Check out this awesome video!

Advent: God With Us from The Village Church on Vimeo.