Dave Gibbons

Leadership Summit Recap

I thoroughly enjoyed the leadership summit. I am now trying to process all of the great leadership training that I received over the last two days! I enjoyed spending time with some of the staff from FBC AshfordTodd Thorpe (Lead Pastor), Tim Flowers (Worship pastor), and Chris Lasseter (Small Groups). Here are a few things I learned:

"You cannot have a great vision unless you have a great relationship with God."                     - Dave Gibbons

Relationships trump vision every time. I desire to have a God-sized vision that believes that He can do anything and change anyone. Vision is not just a strategic plan with charts, graphs, mission statements and such. My relationship with God fuels and gives the vision that HE desires. The best vision for ministry is life-on-life relationships, not programs. Building relationships and equipping is our main purpose as leaders.

"Obedience is more important than passion" - Dave Gibbons

Emotional feelings cannot overcome our daily obedience to God. I'm learning that the more I obey God, the more of His passion flows through my life. Jesus felt the burden before He went to the cross:

"And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." Matthew 26:39 (ESV)

The ultimate leader portrayed obedience to God not based on His feelings, but on His obedient love for God and us.

"Recognize your flaws" - David Gergen

"Personal habits of leaders should be: Self-discipline (spend quality time with God), be physically fit, take time to reflect, and be with people you cherish and love. - David Gergen

Ouch. This one hit home to me. For those of you that know me, I have many flaws. I'm learning to stop and reflect on myself and not be held prisoner by my flaws. As leaders, we need to stop and reflect upon God's grace and admit our weakness so that He can make us strong. I'm grateful for God's grace, aren't you?!

Lastly, I need to spend time listening. We live in a culture that is afraid of silence. I need more time to stop, listen to God, read His Word (slowly), and reflect. I am going to spend more time reading books that stretch my thinking, my life, and faith.

How about you? What are your thoughts?