Communication in ministry

What Every Leader Needs #3: Communication

I'm away at Student Life Urban Serve Mission Camp in Atlanta this week. I wanted to share my top visited blog posts a few times this week. Here is a blog post I wrote back in 2011. 

*A blog series on what every leader needs to be effective in serving Christ. * Houston, we have a problem! Communication is crucial to what every leader needs to be effective. The task of leading people is lost without clearly explaining where the vision is being directed. In order to know what strategic plans to put in place, leaders must know what the distinct vision is and how to put it into practice. It is acting upon the goals of the organization in a way that is communicating in many ways. If a leader does not know where they are going, the people will definitely not know where they should go! Communicate with clear and exact wording so that people cannot make up in their minds what their interpretation of what you say.

A good tip for communication is that it needs to be in writing. Many times leaders can have a shotgun approach to communication that ends up being spread thin and forgotten. In order to plan with a strategy and an aim is to be rifle focused and head straight for the end goal in mind. Too many times the process of communication becomes muddled with a lack of explanation. The process must include asking the question, “is what I’m communicating being understood like I want them to understand it?”  God calls leaders to be able to make decisions that affect the entire group and draw them closer to God. Explain as much information as possible and be willing to receive feedback on how it was received.

My goal is to communicate in the same way that a chef puts together a multi-layered cake. The approach is to communicate verbally, visually, and hands on. Each aspect is part of the cake of communication. Using every tool on the internet is wise as well to help people know the vision. I tend to use email, Facebook, twitter, text messaging, mail, monthly newsletter, and phone calls to communicate. We have more tools than ever before, so communication should have multiple layers to be effective.

NSN Part 3: Words are Heavy


Navigating social networking is a key part of today's culture. How do parents lead their families to use social networking in a healthy way? How do we use social networking as a tool for ministry? Words are heavy. We have all seen it happen as cyber bullying or an emotional outburst on Facebook or twitter. As followers of Christ, we have the power of the Holy Spirit. In one minute words can bring encouragement and life to others. In another minute our words can hurt deeply.

Words reveal our heart.

“For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Matthew 12:34

You see, the words that come out of our mouth originate from the heart.

Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” Ecclesiastes 5:2

Just because we have freedom of speech does not mean it gives us a right to publicly hurt others. But what if we are just being honest? We always need to be transparent but use words that display love and kindness. Social networking gives us an opportunity. Use it to encourage others or tear others down.

 Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. Ephesians 4:29.

Tips to remember when updating your status:

- Is what I am about to write consistent with what God says about me or others? -Do I need to stop, pray and ask the question, "is this the wise thing to do?" - If I post this, do I know it is entirely true? - Will what I say be used to build others up or tear others down? - What I write is permanently sealed online if captured at the moment I post.

What would you add? What are your thoughts about the power of words?