Black Friday

Update on life!

Life has been really busy lately with ministry, marriage and life! Here's a quick snapshot of what is happening in my life:

  • Spent a wonderful thanksgiving with my family in Greenville, SC - ate lots of food, I DID shop on "black friday" and got great deals!
  • I almost finished my Christmas shopping on "black friday"
  • Just finished a two week series called, "Getting this Christmas Right" - we focused upon the "Gift" of the gospel and not upon the material gifts of Christmas.
  • We finished the JV boys basketball season for the high school here in Ashford. I enjoyed coaching and building relationships with the guys. I sure miss the days when I played!
  • Cassidy's new album is coming together nicely! We are going back to Nashville to finish up the recording the week after Christmas!
  • Praying that God will move in a mighty way in 2010!
  • I shot my first deer this afternoon (I will post pics later) - it was awesome!
  • We watched the movie "Blindside" last week with my small group - one of the best movies I have seen in a long time! Great story!
  • Happy birthday to my wonderful mother - Jennifer Robinson today!! She is such a godly example of a mom and I'm so thankful for her!
