Lessons I'm Learning in 2020


It has been a year of change for me and my family. We moved during the beginning of the pandemic, sold and bought a house, started a new role at the Bridge Church and said “see you later” to an amazing church in Jacksonville and more. Once I began in my new position in Venice, we were solely online so I was able to start connecting through teaching and social media. It was quite a transition but God knew it all along! God has been faithful, gracious, patient and kind to me. I wanted to share a few lessons that I’m learning this year.

Seek to follow God’s Word over opinions. Masks or no masks and on and on. People are hurting this year more than ever. Angry, scared and confused. I’m learning to focus on God’s Word daily to help ground my heart and emotions. Oh and don’t even get me started on politics!

Leadership is revealed in troubled times. Who we are is revealed when we are frustrated or disappointed. I’ve had many moments where I saw the raw brokenness in my life and have asked God to do a work in me. This season has revealed who we are as people and gives us an ability to grow to become more like Christ.

Keep the main thing the main thing. In what I call the year of confusion and distraction, we must keep the gospel central to our lives. What is the mission of the church? I preached a series on who we are as the church and how to love like Jesus in a hurting world. It is all about helping people find and follow Jesus Christ. We had an incredible celebration in September, where 19 people went public with their faith through baptism at the beach! The church exists for the mission of Jesus here and around the world. In a season of craziness, the world needs a laser-focused, loving, Jesus sharing church!

Life is short - don’t waste opportunities. What 2020 has revealed is that 10 out of 10 die. We all spend eternity somewhere. The church must be on mission to share Jesus intentionally and lovingly to people. Jesus is coming back one day to make all things. I do know that the best is yet to come, not because of our earthly circumstances, but because Jesus is our King. Be encouraged today!

What lessons have you learned in 2020? I’d love to hear from you.