Insecurity Stunts Leadership

Do you ever feel insecure? I remember this being an early struggle for me as a kid. I hated to lose on the basketball or baseball field. Many times, I struggled with my self-image. I worried about what people would say about me. I have a lot of freckles, you know. haha. I’m not a 12 year old anymore, but insecurity can rear its ugly head in this 34 year old. It comes in different shapes and sizes, I think. As an adult, our identity can shift to being all about our performance. We can feel inadequate based on people’s perceptions or opinions. 

As I’m learning how to be more secure in God, here are a few things I’m learning and I hope can be an encouragement to you: 

Insecurity left alone breeds the fear of failure. Once a leader feels insecure, they turn insular and are afraid of losing what they once had. Instead of looking at leadership as a gift to be stewarded, they look at it as a possession to protect. Instead of being a channel of God’s grace, they contain it for themselves. 

Insecurity left alone becomes controlling. Insecurity seeks to control others and their God-given spiritual giftedness, especially, if it is different than ours. We put boundaries around a person so that they learn to play in our “sandbox,” so the attention goes back to us. What if they change something? Good! Maybe it is an area of weakness for us - but by freeing them up to lead, could help the overall church family move forward. 

Insecurity left alone breeds comparison. When we compare ourselves with others, we either feel discouraged or prideful. Instead of comparing, we should look for opportunities to grow. There is always someone ahead of you that you could learn from and some with less experience that you could come alongside and encourage.

When we learn to trust people and empower them in the giftedness God has given, we will learn to take our hands off the wheel and watch as other leaders grow.

What are your thoughts?