New Year, new post


You might be wondering...why this blog? My passion is to see people become growing followers of Jesus. My writing is meant to help inspire, encourage, train and equip leaders. I want to share what I'm learning, as I go, as a Pastor, Dad and Husband. I want to help be an encourager to you, so that you can be all that God wants you to become. I'm passionate about leadership, church planting, preaching, culture, sports and whatever else is on my mind! 

I started blogging over 12 years ago using a platform called, "Xanga!" If you have no idea what that means, you didn't miss much. I felt led to come back to writing as a way to grow and share what God is revealing to me.

But since my goal is ultimately to be an encouragement to you, I'd love to get your input. What topics or questions would you like to read and discuss together? Leadership? Family/Marriage? Culture/Sports? Something else? Vote in the poll below or share in the comments!