This Week's Message in 10 Tweets



Big Idea: God's Word is meant to change our lives. 

1. Every movie has great writing in order for it to be a great story. God's Word is to be our script to how we live our lives

2. We read the Bible to change who we are (Hebrews 4:12). 

3. God’s Word helps cut through the junk and reveal what needs to be changed. It reveals our innermost thoughts and desires. 

4. Learn to use God’s Word as a mirror (James 1:23-25)

5. You and I face a choice each time we read God’s Word. Do I change or simple stay the same? Will I obey God’s Word or disobey it?

6. Maybe instead of praying others will change, we ask God to change our hearts.

7. The Bible shapes us into the person God meant us to become!

8. Every great story has a central person who sacrificially gives everything for others. 

9. The Bible is the greatest story ever told and Jesus is the HERO of the story. His script was given to Him by His Heavenly Father.

10. Through a relationship with Jesus, you can live a story bigger than yourself when you follow God's Word (His script) for our lives. 

To watch the messages from Source Student Ministry, check out the vimeo page.