We are in week 2 of the teaching series called, "Life."
1. God has created us for relationships. We exist best when we grow close to God and close to others.
2. We are formed for God’s family (Ephesians 1:5)
3. God hates loneliness. Fellowship is God’s answer to loneliness! He wants us to live in community and relationship.
4. The church is not an organization, but an organism.It is a people, not a building.
5. The church is not an EVENT I attend. It is a group I BELONG to.
6. You are called to belong to the church not just believe in God (Romans 12:5, 1 John 3:16).
7. Belonging to God’s family, I learn my true identity (Ephesians 2:19).
8. Once you begin a relationship with God, you have a permanent, eternal family!
9. Belonging in a church family helps us face life’s problems (Galatians 6:2).
10. We were not born Christians because of our sin. We have to be receive the change of Christ through a relationship with Him. Once this happens, our broken relationship with God is now restored.
To watch the messages from Source Student Ministry, check out the vimeo page.