Student Ministry Volunteer Roles

If you are like me, this time of the year is a great time to recruit volunteers! Here is how I communicate the ways to serve at Source!


Job Description: Leaders intentionally develop relationships with students in small group settings, in order to see God bring transformational change. Student interaction: High Time commitment: Middle School & High School– Must attend Sunday worship to be equipped for group time. Must also attend regularly bi-monthly leadership meetings.

TECH TEAM: Job Description: Production Team members play an important role in shaping the environment. Student Interaction: Medium Time Commitment: • Review Planning Center 48 hours prior to the gathering. • Familiarize yourself with songs and activities. • Review the flow of the gathering. • Attend rehearsal @ 5:30pm on Wednesdays for High School/Villages and 8:45am for Middle School on Sundays.

CAFE: Job Description: Café workers help make The Venue an environment students enjoy. Student Interaction: Medium Time Commitment: Arrive 30 minutes before service to set up. Additional Café Guidelines: Interact with students at the café with a smile! Wear gloves when serving pizza, and have sanitizer and napkins available for students. Wipe down counters, tables, chairs, and other equipment and sweep floor area.

GREETER Job Description: Greeters make students, especially guests, feel welcome, and connect them with a group leader and other students. Student Interaction: High

CHECK-IN Job Description: Check in all students at registration computers each meeting, and collect guest information prior to service. Student Interaction: Medium

What are your volunteer roles? Share your thoughts in the comments below!