Evernote and Student Ministry

Evernote is my favorite tool to stay organized in student ministry. I'm always looking for tools to help me become more productive. It is best to work smarter and not harder.


It is free. It is clean. It is cloud based. I can edit and save on my iPhone, iPad or Macbook. You can save multiple files, web clippings, audio notes and more.

I use it as my to-do list each day with check boxes. I find that I have moved away from having multiple pads of paper with random notes scattered on my desk. The way I use evernote is to have different notebooks within Evernote.

For instance: Ministry. Personal. Finances. Speaking. Blog/Writing.

Within each notebook, I have different notes.

One notebook is titled, "Message series planning." I save all ideas and thoughts on teaching series. I find it is easier for me to organize my scatter brain within Evernote rather than having it on different pads of paper. I do use a notepad for quick ideas to jot down, but I try to always keep track in my "ideas" note so I don't forget!

To read more about how to use Evernote, check out this blog post by Michael Hyatt.

What tools do you use to be effective in ministry? What tips do you have in utilizing Evernote?