Teaching from an iPad

A few months ago I purchased an iPad 2. I use it to read, surf the internet and to teach God's Word. One of my main reasons for purchasing it was to use it in ministry. I am passionate about leveraging technology for the gospel. I absolutely love teaching from it. No longer do I have a few pages of notes that I have written over at the last-minute, but now can make changes or additions on the fly. Passing the notes along to the tech team is a breeze because it is easy to transfer the teaching info into pro-presenter.

Tips on teaching from an iPad: 

Preparing to teach:

  • Write your outline in Word/Pages on your computer.
  • Highlight the scripture in yellow and the main points for the screen/outlines in blue. I include the scripture with the teaching points.
  • Bold illustrations under each teaching point with a few statements to keep the idea on track.
  • Use size "16-18" font with a landscape setting in word/pages.
  • Export the document as a PDF and upload to dropbox/Evernote.
  • Download the file from dropbox with your iPad.
  • Use the iBooks app to open the PDF. The reason I use this app is that it flips the page like reading a book. I did use Adobe reader in the past, but I lost my spot in the notes when I was scrolling up and down.
  • Save it in order to reference if needed in the future on iBooks/Dropbox. Always save it in two places (if wi-fi drops out).
  • Make sure your iPad is charged, especially when you teach multiple times in a day.
  • Turn off the auto lock to "never" so it doesn't close out on stage.
  • Turn the sound on mute.
  • Turn the iPad on airplane mode (to avoid Facebook notifications, etc).
  • Lock the orientation so it stays landscape during the message.

Teaching from the iPad:

  • Use the iPad as an outline, not just to show how cool and relevant you want the audience to think you are.
  • Your goal is to communicate God's Word, so use the iPad as a reference, not just to read from it verbatim.
  • Make sure the brightness is lower especially if a video is playing and the lights go out on stage. You will look like you have a glow coming from your notes!
  • Use a black cover so it blends in with your Bible.

What tips would you add for teaching from the iPad? How are you leveraging technology to use for God?