Source SM Recap: Volume 3


Teaching Series: "Doin Work" 

Main Teaching  point: God allows trials in life for us to grow in our faith. 

Length of service: 55 minutes. 2 separate services for middle and high school.

Message Explanation: What do we do when life gets tough? Dear brothers and sisters when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy" James 1:2. Pain in life is inescapable. God allows trials for us to grow to become like Him. Although we might not understand, we ask for His wisdom and trust that He will lead us through it. How we respond to problems in life is probably one of the greatest ways to show Jesus to the world. God allows trials in life for us to grow in our faith. 

Element of fun: The game mimicked the recent national spelling bee on ESPN. Students had words from "cat" to hard words to spell out!

Music Set: We Unite, Waiting, Give Me Faith, Love Everlasting (closing)

Favorite Moment: It was amazing to hear two new songs at Source written by Jared and Cassidy. Jared led his song, "Waiting" during the worship set. The song expressed waiting on God and His purposes. Cassidy wrote a song on Saturday night on enduring trials in life. It was a great closing song to end the message. Check out the video below!

Next week: We continue the second week of our series through the book of James titled, "You Mad Bro?" We will focus upon being quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.