New Ministry Transition


I just completed my second full week in the office! I began serving as student pastor at Church @ the Springs. Time has quickly flown by as I'm learning about the people, culture and vision of the springs. It has been overwhelming (in a good way) to meet so many people! It is exciting to hear stories of people far from God being transformed by the gospel! Transitions are tiring though. In one sense I'm departing from old friends and meeting new friends. I'm grateful for all the wonderful people who have prayed for us during the transition. I have learned a lot about myself, Cassidy and ministry during this time.

This is what I've been learning during my transition:

- No matter where you go, people have similar needs. Everyone is hurting in some way. Although people sound, look, and act different, the same inner needs remain. I've enjoyed getting to know people and hear their stories!

- Where God leads, God provides. I've heard this a few times in my life and I can say that it is truth! I've been humbled during this whole process. In every way, God has provided for us.

- Gospel Centered. People are not looking for more flashy, surface level teaching. Students hunger for the truth of His Word. I want to be faithful to lead people to understand the grand narrative of His story. Once people grasp the gospel, their lives are never the same. You cannot package or manipulate the power of the gospel. The gospel is enough, my goal is to communicate it with passion and creativity.

- Relationships matter. I have begun the process of learning new names and stories. It is exciting to hear of lives being changed!

- Learn the culture. Many people ask me what I am doing to change right away. I want to take time to learn people and culture before I ever decide to make changes. Once people know I love them they will be with me when we do decide to tweak and improve the student ministry. I strive to build trust more than expect it.

- Don't allow the past to damage the future. Always forgive. Keep striving to fulfill God's call and do not become caught up with the past. Don't play the "if I would've/if I wouldn't have" game. Instead of focusing upon what is wrong, always celebrate the transformation God has done in the past and will do in the future.

- Build leaders. I have a great team of staff, adults and students who can do amazing things for God. I want to help build them up to lead and then each leader multiply themselves.

Here are a few pictures of the new office: