Guardrails in Dating


A guardrail is a standard of behavior you choose that becomes a conviction. What are the guardrails we put in place for dating? It is interesting to look at how the process of relationships usually begin and grow. First we are simply, “talking to someone.” Secondly, we are “hanging out” which is usually with friends around. Thirdly, they move into a relationship that is "Facebook official!" (Wedding bells anyone?) What we need to realize is that every desire, especially dating requires guardrails or boundaries. Dating is practicing marriage. Our culture entices us to jump off the cliff because it looks fun but then laughs at us when we fall. The average person falls in “love” 5 times between the ages of 13-19 years old. I would even say it is more often than that with most people. Paul wrote to the Corinthian people because they believed that as long as they were spiritual, it didn’t matter what they did with their bodies. This was “convenient” for people who were pagans, many would be with prostitutes because they thought sex was simply physical. Paul writes,

“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” 1 Corinthians 6:18-20

Types of “Daters” to avoid:

  • “Clinger” – Whatever is done in public is magnified in private. Unhealthy self-esteem on built upon people and not God.
  • “Creeper” – Wants to hide behind technology, texting, social networking but remember….they are always watching!
  • “Dump truck” – Drops relationships often. They take what they want and them throw you away.
  • “Camoflauge” – Change in order to be accepted in each group. They become like the person they like, no matter the cost.

Official Love Waits – official love is meant for a covenant marriage relationship. We should all be committed to showing honor, respect and purity in relationships. Our bodies are the house of God. If you do not have guardrails it will lead to catastrophe off the cliff. God’s plan for sex includes one man and one woman, within the marriage relationship.

 Official Love HonorsGuys show honor respect. Girls, be respectable to be pursued. Our bodies belong to God, which involves sexual choices. Sex is marriage in God’s eyes. Impurity erodes the capacity to experience trust, loyalty and fulfillment. Our sole purpose should flow out of passion to glorify God especially in our relationships!

Is exclusive dating healthy for those in middle/high school? (By the way, I do not support middle school students dating at all. It always leads to drama and unhealthy relationships because of the students development stage).

Exclusive dating can be harmful for your life. Why does it have to one-on-one all the time? The majority of heartbreak stems from students who do not establish boundaries and isolate themselves from others. They become too close emotionally and then many times it leads to physical boundaries being broken. Not long after this they break up. If you do not have guardrails in dating, you hand the keys to your life to another person to make the big choices in life.

Inclusive dating is hanging out in groups. It is learning to build relationships with friends and not putting yourself in situations that can lead you off the cliff emotionally and physically. Exclusive relationship is meant for covenant marriage. Don't give your heart away to someone that is not your future spouse.

Do you think guardrails are important? What are more ways to set up boundaries?