Happy Birthday Justin!

My youngest brother, Justin turns 21 today! Wow, it seems just yesterday we were playing basketball in the front yard as kids. Justin is passionate about life! He is my bestfriend (besides Jeff, my older brother) and I'm so thankful for his life. He uses his gifts and abilities from God to spread the gospel. He has gone on numerous international mission trips over the past few years with his limited time in college. I'm grateful for him because of his devotion to becoming a man after God's own heart. I'm grateful that he continues to persevere and press on in his journey with God.

A few things I have learned from Justin:

1. Make the most of every minute. Don't waste life. Go above and beyond what the culture says and live for God! I'm thankful for a little brother that inspires me to never become apathetic, but live everyday with passion.

2. Use creativity to engage people with the gospel. Justin uses videos and film-making to present the gospel and the truth of God's Word. God's hand is on his life and I look forward to how Justin will continue to reach multitudes of people through film.

3. Be a leader. Justin is passionate about truth being proclaimed and he is a leader. Justin usually has new friends each time I come to hang out. He is able to rally people together for movies, church or just to spend time together.

4. Do your best. Justin is a competitor. Growing up we (his 3 older brothers) were tough on him and taught him to play sports. He became tough as nails on the basketball court and wouldn't back down from players twice his size! Justin is a loyal and faithful brother to me, Jeff and Jordan. Justin loved Jordan as much as a person can. Jordan would be so proud of the man Justin has become.

If I could, I'd hire Justin to work with me and make amazing youth videos and films! If you need someone to do quality filming, he is your guy!

I love you Justin!

- Check out Justin's youtube channel and subscribe!

- Check out Justin's website (highlights his films).