The personal life of a leader is crucially important for character to be evident. Character is not easily attained but should be sought after daily to build a healthy foundation for leadership. A wise leader is continually connected to Christ in their heart and mind. People are looking for a leader who will set an example by living an authentic lifestyle for God. Luke 2:52 - Jesus was developing by surrounding Himself with leaders who would challenge his life. Jesus reveals his desire to grow in wisdom, favor and stature. He wanted to find truth and not settle for the status quo. Listening is a key trait for a leader to learn at a young age in order to soak up wisdom and understanding throughout their life.
Daniel 1:3-20 - Daniel set an example by making the best choices when it came to personal health and his lifestyle. Daniel revealed God's wisdom through focusing his life on obeying God. Daniel's life exemplified character and integrity. Daniel made small decisions that eventually paved the way for God to present a major platform for His glory to be shown to multitudes.
Psalm 78:72 - The heart of a leader must maintain a steady focus upon God's Spirit to lead. A leader who is " upright" looks at situations with the mind and heart of God. A godly leader will guide people by helping them grow in their understanding of God's Will for their life. Leaders are to develop people into devoted followers of Christ. David wrote many Psalms about following God in all areas of life.
Acts 6:3-4, 9-10 - Stephen was a great example of a spirit-led leader. He was in tune with following God through any situation, even his own martyr death before Saul and the Pharisees. When God has control of an individual's life, there is a marked different and power in their life. A spirit-led leader is one that does not find power in man's approval, but in God's approval.
Matthew 7:15-27 - The true nature of a leader will eventually come out when they are pressed. A leader that is grounded in God's Word will not be shaken when crisis or confrontation occurs. Wisdom and character must be the bedrock of leadership for it to last and flourish.
Luke 6:40 - The need for mentoring is key for a leader to develop. Every leader needs someone to look up to and emulate. Mentoring begins with a trusting relationship between two people. Leaders should continually mentor and be mentored so that they maintain humility and accountability.