Leadership is filled with everyday struggles, questions and problems. One of the most important tasks as a leader is to present tension as a positive aspect to grow people to maturity. Change is not a goal for many people as they wake up and go on with the day. Humans are creatures of comfort and are not geared for change on a daily basis. Without tension through a diet, exercise or positive choice, it will take effort and sometimes pain to become stronger. Leaders who build on change will be able to communicate God’s vision before it comes in a way that captures the essence of trust. Leader in Trouble
Leaders must stay vigilant and make sure they are able to sense trouble before it becomes a crisis. Maxwell says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership!”[1] Leaders must be the forerunners in bringing about positive, Christ-centered decisions. Change is inevitable in a growing organization and leaders must be able to communicate in a way that people can connect with the vision. Change can happen negatively or positively. Leaders can also handle change with a negative attitude instead of looking at it in a growing attitude. Change can cost, especially if it takes months or even years to achieve.
A leader that is in trouble will look at a situation that needs change and will fear the outcome. A godly leader continues to put their faith in God throughout any situation and continually seeks God’s wisdom before making decisions. Maxwell explains the Law of the Lid to leaders during a time of change.[2] The leader must change and grow first in order to lead the people to where God is leading. It is crucial for a leader to adequately communicate the direction of change in order to help people work through the fear and uncertainty that comes with it.
Relationships are key to a leader being able to make wise choices. Leaders are to be students of their followers in such a way that helps foresee all possible scenarios to them making choices. Organization of the small tasks is important for people to understand the overall picture of the future. Making changes takes effort, patience, and time in order to see lives changed in the future.[3]
Leader as change agent
Leadership must be ahead of the change before it occurs. It is wise to think through the pros and cons of any situation, especially when it comes to making changes. Leadership must be able to explain the need for change so that people can understand the motivation. If a leader does not see their personal need for change, the overall mission of the organization will become stagnant. Leaders are learners in all aspects of life. If a leader loses sight of knowing their own personal struggles, weaknesses and needs, the people will not understand God’s plan clearly. It begins and ends with leaders that are willing to motivate and encourage people to grow beyond mediocrity. Influencing people to be passionate about growth is one of the most important tasks of a leader.
Why people resist change
Change revolves around being uncertain of the future. People struggle with a need to change most of the time.[4] Fear is one of the biggest struggles for people to take a step towards change. Change can be painful internally and externally. Pride is one of the largest obstacles to face in every person’s heart. Only when a leader and people can admit they need to change will it become successful. Leaders must help explain the need for change in the midst of planning and making decisions for the overall purpose. Clear steps need to be outlined by the leader to aid in communicating to people’s skepticism to change. Leaders are to help people see the vision of making changes for the glory of God.
Creating a climate for change
People are continually looking at situations as a way to maintain the status quo. Comparing oneself to another is unwise in making changes to the overall organization. Humble leaders gain people’s hearts to be open to change. If a leader is not willing to struggle through the choices for change, the people will not see why they must change. Leadership must set the tone for change. Attitude is an important aspect to the environment of a changing organization. Through building relationships and trust, people will follow wise leaders.[5]
Building a culture of change takes time through making personal choices as a leader to challenge and encourage people to reach their potential. Seeing tough decisions as opportunities is a key building block to seeing growth in an organization. Building consensus among key leaders is vital to gaining support before the change becomes public.[6] Once people own the vision for change, it becomes believable for the organization.
Change produces the opportunity for growth. Leaders are to face change with an attitude of hope and determination for success. It takes time and patience with people and situations, but in the end it can lead to sustained improvement. Change must happen for an organization to see a lifetime of growth and prosperity. Leadership must continually challenge and encourage people to seek God’s best for life.
Maxwell, John. Developing the Leader Within You. Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nashville, TN, 1993.
[1] Developing the Leader Within You, 49.
[3] “After I consider how hard it is to change myself, then I will understand the challenge of trying to change others. This is the ultimate test of leadership.” Developing the Leader Within You, 50.
[4] “The leader who has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions and only lukewarm defenders in those who may do well with the change.” Developing the Leader Within You, 53
[5] “The more people trust the leader, the more willing they will be to accept the leader’s proposed changes.” Developing the Leader Within You, 66.
[6] Developing the Leader Within You, 68.