Hebrew 13:15, 16 from RSV: “Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” The need for biblical and spirit led worship in the church is vital. A healthy church is one that worships God from their heart and lifestyle. The importance of a worship gathering to lift up the name of God and create excitement to serve is foundational. Hebrews 13:15, 16 highlight many practical words that should be put into action. The first sentence explains that it is a continual process of offering up a sacrifice of praise to God. Worship must be more than the actual worship service. The emphasis is upon living each day with a continual praise and worship to God. Worship is much more than music and a certain time of the week, but it is a daily praise to God for everything. It takes sacrifice to worship God and to die to our own desires and be obedient to the Holy Spirit.
The second emphasis is “fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.” It is imperative that Jesus’ name is lifted up and focused upon during a worship service. People need to feel God’s love through the welcoming environment and worship through singing and preaching. The next section focuses on the application of worship to daily relationships. It says, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Worship includes caring for one another. It is important that people understand that the worship service is to set the standard for the week. People must know that worship is not only extending praise to God, but extend a loving hand to those in need. This can be done through intentional prayer for one another during the invitation and promoting small groups that intentionally care for one another. God desires believers who actively seek Him and seek to extend His love to those who are hurting. One way to know that a worship service is God honoring is if the people leave changed and more like Christ. When people are changed through the presence and the Word of God, true worship is found. Spiritual formation is growing to love God through disciplines that bring Him glory. One of the most powerful ways to grow as a believer is to worship in spirit and in truth in our daily lives.