I believe one of the greatest blessings in life is siblings. For me, I grew up with three brothers and consider them my closest and best friends. Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." My older brother Jeff was always the one I looked up to and wanted to emulate. We had many wrestling matches, backyard basketball games and boxing matches to compete. Although we competed a lot, it helped build me into a stronger person. He has been a great example of Christ to me and I thank God for him. Jeff has always been a great student and is continually challenging himself to grow in apologetics, preaching and teaching. He is now serving as a pastor in Virginia and is also beginning his PhD work at Liberty Theological Seminary.
Jordan is my brother who has left a huge impact on my life. He went to be with Jesus on August 20, 2008 (you can read more of my Mom's blog here). Jordan was humble, patient and gentle at heart. He is a lot of what I am not. He fought a battle with cancer for over one year. He was a college basketball athlete (just like me!) and used his platform to reach others with the gospel. He was brave and encouraging. One of my most cherished pictures is this one of Jordan praying for me on the night I was ordained into the ministry. I miss him terribly and try to remind myself everyday of this verse, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21 esv).
Justin is my youngest brother who is the center of attention! He had to put up with a lot with three older brothers. He is tough as nails now due to being wrestled and knocked down a lot growing up (haha). God has blessed him with a great deal of creativity. He is passionate about living for Christ and using media to illustrate the gospel. I know God has great plans ahead for his life. I hope I can pass auditions to be in one of his movies! ; ) Check out his website and youtube page!
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