A few weeks ago I shared a message called, "The Battle for Courage." Below are a few thoughts/points. God’s will is found when we decide to be COURAGEOUS about following Jesus. Many people live each day with the temptation of living for now and not for eternity. Living the “safest” life possible is not the goal of following Christ. It is not about the OUTWARD, but the inward. Jesus always looked at the motives of the heart. Romans 8:31- 37 “ No in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”
Cowards live by….
1. Confusion – Those who lead with wrong motives are mixed up on what is right or wrong.
- Constantly debate with, “what is wrong with it?” - A courageous person asks, "what is right with it?"
2. Criticism – Overly critical of authority.
- Rebellion against authority. - Puts others down to uplift oneself
3. Compromise –
- Willing to take a shortcut at any cost to get AHEAD. - Do whatever it takes to make oneself look right in any situation.
Following Jesus is not just in your mind – it is a heart change and surrender of WALKING as Jesus WALKED. We create a compromise of saying, “I’ll just pray about it” or “I’ll get to that.” Instead Jesus wants our heart to be captivated by His love in order to lead with courage. “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me." John 15:8
Jesus won the battle of sin and death! He is the undefeated champion!
Courage lives by…
1. Clarity – Understand the purpose of knowing why you live your life.
- Eternity is the focus - Tradition is not as important as God’s Word
2. Confidence in God’s Will
- Obedience to Authority - Finds wisdom daily through God's Word
3. Character to become like Christ
- You should be excited when people put you down for following Jesus. - Following Jesus can be a lonely road, but it is WORTH IT! - Decide to resemble Jesus in how you ACT. - Courage to follow Christ at any cost! Courageous believers will one day hear from Jesus...“Well done, my good and faithful servant...” Matthew 25:23
Are you willing to trade in the American dream for a world that desperately needs Jesus? Are you willing to trade in your tradition for untraditional people to come to know Christ?