Monday Minute

What a great week! God has been doing some awesome things in the lives of people.

  • I videoed three college/graduate age friends for baptism videos. My church shoots a video prior to each person's baptism where they share their story of how they came to know Christ! It is awesome to see.
  • Our Family Lake trip was a lot of fun! It was a great day to kick back and relax with the students and their families.
  • Big changes in store for the church - I will unveil the changes this next week!
  • I really enjoyed the CORE student leadership team meeting on Sunday afternoon. It blesses my life to see students step up and lead. Our "Back to School" Lock in will be student led (student sharing gospel, leading worship, planned activities).
  • We are adding new small groups this fall!
  • I'm excited about the leaders that have just committed to becoming small group leaders and co-leaders.
  • I am halfway through my 8 week classes at seminary. My prayer is that I'll finish this Fall (and still not go crazy from all the work)
  • Praying for Tim and Emily Flowers - they are at the hospital waiting for Julia to be born
  • We are revamping the student area - if you have any ideas or resources for a coffee shop look, please let me know!?