Monday Minute

What a summer! It has been a fun and rewarding summer so far in ministry.

  • Shared a message to the family on Sunday, "Filling the GAP of the Family" based on Ephesians 6:1-4 - It was fun to preach in "big church" the past two Sundays.
  • VBS is this week! I'm always excited to help out with the children's ministry and play a part in the skits.
  • Week three of seminary of this summer semester - I'm trying to stay ahead!
  • I'm currently working on my blog - trying to upload sermons, videos and make it more efficient
  • Praying and planning for the Fall and Spring for the student ministry
  • A few questions that help me plan - "How are we reaching the family with the gospel?" - "Are students developing into leaders or consumers?" - "What creative ways can I explain biblical truth?" - "How can I equip my leaders to minister to students more effectively?"