Noah's Ark discovered?


I am intrigued at hearing the news about a group of Chinese and Turkish evangelicals claiming they found Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat. It has always been one of my favorite stories in the Bible and I get excited about the discovery of the Ark. The skeptics are always pushing to debunk Scripture but I know that God's Word stands the test of time and is true 100%. Of course, this finding could come up as a hoax, but it is fun to find out about this discovery! My only skepticism towards how they are explaining the findings is by basing it upon carbon dating. Carbon dating is flawed in its very makeup and application to fossils. Although, the people are claiming the relics are around 4,800 years old (accurate to the biblical time-line of Noah's Ark). The biblical account explains that it landed on Mount Ararat (13,000 feet). Finding a boat at 13,000 feet sounds absurd to any skeptic! It only explains one thing. God flooded the earth and Noah's Ark was the salvation vessel for Noah and his family and the animals. Once again, if this claim comes to validity, what will skeptics say now? "Mount Ararat used to be only 100 feet high..." Another fact is that this finding will prove the liberal philosophers wrong due to their description of the "great flood" as a regional flood that only covered certain parts of land.

Answers in Genesis is one of the greatest ministries out there on archaeology and apologetics. See HERE on their response to the findings

"Here is a quote from team member Panda Lee described visiting the site.

In October 2008, I climbed the mountain with the Turkish team. At an elevation of more than 4,000 meters, I saw a structure built with plank-like timber. Each plank was about 8 inches wide. I could see tenons, proof of ancient construction predating the use of metal nails." We walked about 100 meters to another site. I could see broken wood fragments embedded in a glacier, and some 20 meters long. I surveyed the landscape and found that the wooden structure was permanently covered by ice and volcanic rocks."

Another interesting claim by Ark Discovery International in 1987  of finding the Ark was announced and declared a National Treasure by the Turkish government. If this new claim comes true, there will be some explaining to do!

We will see the final analysis I'm sure in the next few months. It is interesting news!