Monday Minute

Well - 2010 is here! I don't know about you, but 2009 flew by! Here's a few things that have happened lately in my life:

  • God is really speaking to me about FAITH - I am slowly learning how to faith God while dealing with uncertainty in my life.
  • It is freezing cold here in southeastern Alabama!
  • I'm speaking at FBC Ashford this Sunday morning - I'm excited and prayerful that I'll communicate God's heart.
  • The passage in Philippians 3 is powerful! We serve a mighty savior and i'm so thankful for His grace. Running the race for the UPWARD call of God in Christ Jesus - Quit looking behind, but look ahead!
  • I'm not too excited about turning 26 this month - 25 sounds so much better!
  • Justin - my younger brother is shooting his new movie, "Foxhole" this week. I wish I were able to be there since they will be doing a WWII production! It will be powerful.
  • Liberty Seminary classes begin in a few weeks - I'm taking three Leadership classes and an Apologetics class. Looking forward to learning but not looking forward to the tests.
  • Pumped about beginning our "Firestarters" series this Wednesday night - Equipping students to share their faith!
  • I'm listening to Francis Chan on podcast while I watch the Fiesta Bowl game - It is awesome! You should try it sometime.