Family Ministry

God has been reminding me lately of the importance of the family. God's plan is to use the local church to fulfill His mission to "make disciples." Along with that plan, the family is a God's plan to lead and train up children and students that love Jesus. I've been challenged to re-think how I plan and do student ministry this past year. We have begun planning Parent-Life events three times per year where we come alongside parents and encourage and equip them to be the spiritual leader in their homes. The strategy that I feel passionate about is helping parents understand that God placed them in their student's lives to lead them to Jesus through word and action! It has been great to see!

Here are the logos we use for the "Parent Life" event and "Turkey Bowl."

ParentLife logo09

turkeybowl 09

We just had a great family event called , "Turkey Bowl!" It was a flag football game between Dad's and the students. We had a cookout and bonfire after the game. It was great to see students growing and having fun with their parents. I'm excited about what God will do through the families in the coming days!

Check out the highlights of the day!