Monday Minute

  • Whew! This past weekend flew by!
  • Enjoyed spending time with my older brother, Jeff this past weekend. He spoke at a church in Bainbridge, GA on Sunday. We got to do some bow hunting on Thursday evening and Friday morning - good times.
  • The weather has been nice the past few days - nice and cool!
  • I've been burdened for some of our students - I've been praying for each one by name each day that they would get right with God. It hurts to know some are making choices that hurt God's heart.
  • Went to the fair on Friday night with my beautiful wife - good times enjoying the night.
  • Really enjoyed time with the staff today - I love the people I get to serve along with at FBC Ashford.
  • Pumped about the NYWC conference in Atlanta later this month - This will be my first time going with my wife, the last two times I went I was single. Look forward to being encouraged and trained to better love each other and those we minister too.
  • My brother Jeff looked like Wolverine on Thursday - it was awesome (beard, hair, clothes, etc).
  • Heading to coach another JV basketball game tonight - I really enjoy it! Hoping to connect with more people in the community.
  • I'm hearing that November is "no shave november"? Is this true? I have begun a little "scruff" lately to commemorate the colder weather. haha.