Monday Minute

  • Sunday recap: Great day of worship = great message, worship, small groups were awesome with the students, student leadership meeting was focused and a blast! Tim Flowers was ordained on Sunday evening - it was a special time to honor Him and God's call on his life!
  • Spent some quality time with my wonderful wife this past weekend - went on a date to Olive Garden (points for me!) and spent Saturday together just enjoying the day.
  • Concert on Saturday night with Mercy Me and Fee was awesome! Great time of worship and focus on giving God all the glory!
  • Excited about hanging out with my older brother, Jeff this coming weekend - we are going hunting and hope to find some prey! We don't get to see each other as often due to ministry, so this will be a fun time hanging out. He will be preaching in Bainbridge, GA this coming Sunday.
  • God has begun to provide for my wife, Cassidy to record her new album this coming December! I think it is going to rock and her music will minister to many people for Jesus.
  • Looking forward to sharing with the students on, "Supernatural: Angels and Demons" this coming Wednesday night. With all the hype of Halloween beginning, I want students to understand the reality of spiritual warfare and that in the end - we win! Light always beats darkness.
  • Feeling a little tired the past few days - not sure if it is just the time of year.
  • Excited to help the coach and the JV basketball team at the local high school here in Ashford, AL. Praying that I can be a light to the students and teach them to be ballers'!