Monday minute

  • Had a busy - but good weekend.
  • We had a special surprise birthday party for my sister-in-law, Courtney on Thursday night - Drove all the way to Jax for the night and visited.
  • Drove to Ocala to visit my in-laws on Friday and Saturday and had a good visit.
  • Sunday: great day of worship, great Q/A session with Tim Flowers for his upcoming ordination this coming Sunday night.
  • It was cold this morning, around 35 degrees! It seems like it went straight from summer to winter.
  • I'm excited about what God is doing in the student ministry! Praying for God to move this Wednesday nights and for student leaders to step up and build ownership of the ministry.
  • Praying about more opportunities to reach the local high school for Christ - sports, serving teachers, etc.
  • I love my wife!