Is it August already?

Summer is coming to a close and I must say that this summer has been amazing. God has worked in some amazing ways in my life and continues to be faithful. We just finished the month of July with a mission camp called WIRED, VBS, and BigStuf Camp! To say the least, it was really busy. God showed up and we saw students come to know Christ! God has begun to build leaders with students who want to lead through worship, speaking, ministry and evangelism. Student ministry is an adventure and is very rewarding when you see them passionately pursue God. The amazing part is that I heard many students say they enjoyed the mission camp more than the traditional "fun" camp. I love seeing students have a passion to serve the world.

I look forward to what God will do! We baptize three students this Sunday and there's nothing else that gets me more excited than changed lives!

Here are some pics from the summer!